Those Magical Crystals: The Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salts, those magical crystals with the power to transform your bath into a spa-like experience, have been cherished for for benefits, for centuries.

Epsom salts, those magical crystals with the power to transform your bath into a spa-like experience, have been cherished for centuries. While they are primarily known for their relaxation and therapeutic properties, there’s more to these unassuming crystals than meets the eye. In our latest blog, we take a journey through the history and explore the numerous benefits of Epsom salts. Whether you’re looking to de-stress, soothe sore muscles, or improve your overall well-being, Epsom salts might just be the natural remedy you’ve been searching for.

The Origins of Epsom Salts

Epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, have a rich history dating back centuries. They were first discovered in the early 17th century in the town of Epsom in Surrey, England, hence the name “Epsom salts.” The springs in this region contained a naturally occurring mineral, magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, which became renowned for its therapeutic properties.

Legend has it that a farmer, Henry Wicker, noticed his cows refusing to drink from a certain spring. Upon investigating, he discovered that the water had a bitter taste, but he also observed its remarkable healing effects on scratches and skin irritations. Word spread, and people began visiting Epsom to experience the miraculous benefits of the Epsom salt-rich water.

Legend has it that a farmer, Henry Wicker, noticed his cows refusing to drink from a certain spring. Upon investigating, he discovered that the water had a bitter taste, but he also observed its remarkable healing effects on scratches and skin irritations. Word spread, and people began visiting Epsom to experience the miraculous benefits of the Epsom salt-rich water.

The Science Behind Epsom Salts

Epsom salts are composed of magnesium, sulphur, and oxygen. Magnesium is a vital mineral for the human body, contributing to over 300 enzymatic reactions and essential processes, such as muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and bone health. Sulphur is another essential element, known for its ability to detoxify the body and promote healthy skin and hair.
When Epsom salts dissolve in water, they release magnesium and sulphate ions. These ions are readily absorbed through the skin, which is the largest organ in the body, making Epsom salt baths an effective way to increase magnesium and sulphate levels. This absorption can lead to a wide range of benefits for your overall well-being.

benefits of epsom salts

Stress Reduction and Relaxation

Epsom salt baths are renowned for their stress-reducing properties. Magnesium, one of the key components of Epsom salts, has a calming effect on the nervous system. It helps regulate the production of stress hormones and promotes a sense of relaxation, making it an excellent addition to your self-care routine.

Soothe Sore Muscles

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often turn to Epsom salt baths to alleviate muscle soreness and cramps. The magnesium in Epsom salts can help relax muscle fibres, reduce inflammation, and improve blood circulation, resulting in quicker recovery after strenuous physical activity.

Skin Care

Epsom salt baths can work wonders for your skin. The sulfate in Epsom salts can help draw out impurities, unclog pores, and promote a clearer complexion. Regular Epsom salt baths can leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated.

Regular Epsom salt baths can leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated.

A word of caution however. If you suffer from any skin condition, Epsom salts might feel great during your bath, but can lead to irritation once you’ve dried off. Please check with your doctor before you use them!

Improved sleep

Insomnia and sleep disturbances are common issues that many people face. Epsom salt baths can help by relaxing the body and promoting better sleep. Soaking in a warm Epsom salt bath before bedtime can ease tension, calm the mind, and make falling asleep easier.

How to Take an Epsom Salt Bath

1. Gather Your Supplies

Epsom salts: You’ll need approximately 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salts, depending on the size of your bath. Our Bath Meditation Soaks aren’t just Epsom salts – they also have pure essential oils and guided meditations to take your bath relaxation experience to an entirely new level!

Warm water: Fill your bathtub with warm water at a comfortable temperature.

2. Soak – and Relax!

Once your bath is ready, immerse yourself in the warm Epsom salt-infused water to soak and relax.  Remember to scan the QR Code! Choose your meditation so you can soak for at least 15-20 minutes to allow the magnesium and sulphate ions to be absorbed through your skin.

The BathCalm Love Experience features a 400g Bath Meditation Soak, a 2 pack of Shower Clouds, Soap and Loofah. Of course, they contain those magical crystals - Epsom salts!
BathCalm Love features a warm and complex blend of Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Rose Geranium and Blood Orange.

Precautions and considerations

While Epsom salt baths offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider a few precautions:

Consult Your Doctor: If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, it’s advisable to consult your healthcare provider before adding Epsom salt baths to your routine.

Hydration: Epsom salt baths can be dehydrating, so be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your bath to stay well-hydrated.

Frequency: While Epsom salt baths are generally safe, avoid taking them excessively. Two to three times a week is usually sufficient to reap the benefits.

Beyond the Bath: Other Epsom salt Uses

Gardening: Epsom salts can enhance plant growth and strengthen their overall health. Sprinkle Epsom salts around the base of your plants or add them to your watering can for a magnesium boost.

Fertilizer: Epsom salts can serve as a natural fertilizer for your garden. They provide essential nutrients for your plants, promoting healthy growth.

Epsom salts can enhance plant growth and strengthen their overall health. Sprinkle those magical crystals around the base of your plants. Save your Epsom salt bath water and add them to your watering can for a magnesium boost!

Foot Soaks: A foot soak with Epsom salts can relieve tired and achy feet. Simply dissolve a few tablespoons of Epsom salts in a basin of warm water and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes OR try one of our fabbo Fizzy Feet in Blissfully Citrusy or Mintasmic Moment blends!

Household Cleaning: Epsom salts can be used to scrub and clean various surfaces in your home. They can effectively remove soap scum, stains, and grime without harsh chemicals.

The Holistic Approach to Wellbeing with Epsom Salts

Epsom salts offer a holistic approach to well-being, addressing not only physical but also emotional and mental health. Here are some additional ways in which Epsom salts can enhance your overall well-being:

Stress Management

Epsom salt baths are an excellent tool for managing stress and promoting relaxation. The warm water and soothing properties of magnesium help reduce stress, ease anxiety, and calm the mind. A peaceful bath can be a simple and effective self-care practice.


To further enhance the relaxation benefits of Epsom salt baths, consider incorporating aromatherapy. Adding a few drops of your favourite essential oil can elevate your bath experience, creating a calming and luxurious atmosphere. Of course, you can always use our BathCalm blends too for a luxurious treat.

Adding a few drops of your favourite essential oils to your Epsom salt bath, can elevate your bath experience. Try one of our four beautiful bath meditation soak blends, all with pure essential oils too!
Self-Care Ritual

Establishing a regular Epsom salt bath routine can be a form of self-care. Taking time for yourself, even if it’s just 20 minutes in the bath, can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Use this time to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and focus on self-nurturing.

Mental Clarity

Epsom salt baths can help clear your mind and improve mental clarity. When you’re relaxed and free from tension, you may find it easier to think, make decisions, and solve problems. It’s a simple yet effective way to rejuvenate both body and mind.

Emotional Balance

Many people report an improved sense of emotional balance and well-being after regular Epsom salt baths. The relaxation provided by the salts can lead to better emotional regulation, reducing mood swings and promoting a positive outlook.

Epsom Salts in Modern Wellness

Epsom salts, once considered a quaint folk remedy, have found their place in modern wellness practices, and are as simple as taking a bath. Today, they are readily available in various forms, from plain crystals to scented and coloured varieties. You can even find Epsom salt-infused beauty products like lotions and scrubs – and our shower bombs (fondly called Shower Clouds here at BathCalm – we’re gentle folk) and Fizzy Feet!

Beyond individual use, Epsom salts are also incorporated into wellness centres and spas. They are frequently featured in spa treatments like Epsom salt scrubs, massages, and floatation therapy. The popularity of Epsom salts in these settings is a testament to their enduring appeal in promoting relaxation and well-being.

Finding the Right Epsom Salts for You

With a wide variety of Epsom salt products available, it’s important to find the right one that suits your needs. Here are some tips to consider:

Plain vs. Scented: You can choose between plain Epsom salts or scented varieties. Scented Epsom salts often contain essential oils to enhance your bathing experience. Consider your personal preferences for aroma and additional benefits when making your selection.

Purity: Look for high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade Epsom salts to ensure you’re getting a pure product. Lower-grade Epsom salts may contain impurities that can affect the overall effectiveness.

Container Size: Consider the size of the container. If you plan to use Epsom salts regularly, larger containers may be a cost-effective option.

We Think They’ve Earned Their Place

Epsom salts, with their rich history and countless benefits, have certainly earned their place in the world of wellness. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, relief from physical discomfort, or an escape from the stresses of daily life, Epsom salts offer a natural and effective solution.

Incorporating Epsom salt baths into your self-care routine can have a profound impact on your well-being, providing physical, emotional, and mental benefits. The next time you’re in need of relaxation and rejuvenation, remember the therapeutic power of Epsom salts, and transform your bath into a holistic sanctuary.

As you embrace the ancient wisdom of Epsom salts in the modern world, you’ll discover that sometimes, the simplest remedies are the most powerful. Soak, relax, and let the soothing elixir of Epsom salts transport you to a place of well-being, balance, and rejuvenation.

Incorporating Epsom salts into your wellness regimen can have a profound impact on your life. Whether you’re looking for a natural way to de-stress, soothe sore muscles, or simply pamper yourself, these salts are a versatile and time-tested solution. So, why not treat yourself to a luxurious Epsom salt bath and experience the revitalizing effects firsthand? Your body and mind will thank you.

One Final Thing…

If you’re on tank water and use a septic system or biocycle, Epsom salts are perfectly safe to use. You’d need a gargantuan amount for it to harm the good bacteria in your septic system. Find out more here in our blog post – and happy bathing!

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